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Ryan & April
We believe adoption is a beautiful experience. We find so much joy in being parents and are excited to welcome another child into our family. This experience must be difficult and overwhelming for you but be assured that your child will always know they came to us from an act of love. Thank you for considering us as potential parents for your child and we look forward to going through the journey of adoption with you.
Adoption in Our Lives
We started our family through adoption in 2021. Adoption has always been a part of April's family and life. Her grandmother placed her first child for adoption and later in her life adopted April's mom from foster care. Adoption was always seen as something positive in April's family. April grew up with stories of her mom's adoption and saw how important and special adoption is. Ryan's extended family has also chosen to adopt both privately and through foster care. Through our different family experiences and the adoption of our daughter Jade, we know that adoption is right for our family.
The adoption of our daughter was a beautiful and positive experience. We have built a loving and special relationship with her birth parents, in which we see each other twice a year, send pictures, video chat, and text about our lives. They were able to come to her second birthday party, where they met family and shared special moments with Jade. Jade's birth parents are wonderful people and love our daughter so much.
Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other
April About Ryan: Ryan is the most patient and understanding person I know. Whether it is with our daughter wanting to play the same game over and over again, or something in our home breaking and needing to be fixed, Ryan stays patient and calm. Ryan is also a wonderful listener and makes everyone he meets feel heard. I am proud of how devoted he is to his family and how he makes all of his decisions with us in mind. Ryan is silly, goofy, and not afraid to show love. It has been incredible seeing him as a father. It has been a great joy watching Ryan thrive as a dad.
Ryan About April: April is one of the most empathetic people I know. She cares so much for others and has devoted her life to caring for those in need. She holds strong to her values of social justice and is always willing to take a stand against inequality. April has an incredible work ethic and passion for everything she does in life. I also admire April's love and dedication to family. She stays committed to her goals and will work very hard for her family. It has been wonderful to see her as a mother. The love she has for Jade is endless and she would truly do anything for our daughter. Her empathy and passionate characteristics have only shined brighter as a mother.
Our Life Priorities

We value and prioritize love and social justice, which we incorporate into our lives through our careers, interactions with others, and decisions we make. Both of our jobs allow us to make a difference in people's lives. We support the Black Lives Matter movement through protests and donations. During the nationwide protests, we went out into our community and made our voices heard. We support the LGBTQ+ community and work towards equal rights for all. Our daughter Jade is Indigenous to Central America. As white parents to a child of color, we understand the importance of validating our child's experience and making them proud to be who they are and where they come from.
Family for us is not only biological family, but also people we surround ourselves with. We prioritize time with each other, our daughter, and our families. Luckily, most of our family lives within an hour from us and we are able to spend time with them often. We value fun, joy, and life experiences over material objects and want to instill that in our children.
Traveling has been a big part of our life, from going to Kentucky to visit Ryan's family, spending time in Chicago with friends, going to see Jade's birth parents, or traveling to Japan for vacation. We want to give our children the experience of seeing other cultures throughout the U.S. and internationally.

Our House and Neighborhood
We are lucky to live in Southern California. Our home is a three-bedroom, two-story condo located in a gated community with grassy areas, a community pool, and quiet streets. Children ride bikes up and down our street all summer long and Jade will be riding her bike soon enough!
Our city is known for the amount and quality of parks. Our home is within walking distance of three different parks, which our daughter thoroughly enjoys. The community is close-knit and has special events and activities every year. For example, in the summer the city puts on a special Fourth of July celebration. There is also an annual Hawaiian community festival each summer and in the fall, the city hosts a Los Muertos festival. Your child will also experience a community and city that is culturally and racially diverse.
The location of our city is also special, being 30 minutes from the beach, 20 minutes from downtown (which has many museums), 20 minutes from theme parks, and about 2 hours from snowy mountains.
Our Extended Families

We are excited to share our family with your child. We are close to both sides of our families and our families get along very well together.
April has three brothers, who all live within an hour of us. Ryan has a brother and a sister, who also live within an hour of our home. We have six nieces and one nephew. Our daughter Jade loves playing with her cousins, four of whom are very close in age to Jade.

We see family almost every weekend. When we get together with Ryan's parents and siblings, we will play games and cook meals together. April's parents have a pool, so we often will have BBQs with extended family and have a pool party. A fun tradition we have is on Ryan's birthday, both families will come together and do a beach trip.
Our family is just as delighted to welcome another child into the family as we are.
From Us to You
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us. We know choosing adoption and choosing potential parents is one of the most difficult decisions you may ever make, but also a special choice to make for your child. We are here to support you throughout the journey.
We met in 2011 at college and got married in 2016. We feel lucky to have met and are supportive partners to each other. We adopted our daughter in 2021 and are ready to expand our family. We chose adoption because it truly felt like the right way to start our family. April grew up with stories of her mom's adoption and saw how important and special adoption is. Adoption has always been how April wanted to have her children and has always been in her heart. Ryan has viewed adoption as a beautiful and positive experience. When deciding to expand our family, adoption has always been part of the discussion and we are excited for our adopted daughter to have an adopted sibling. We can't wait to expand our family. We give unconditional love to our daughter and feel it is so special to adopt a child.
We instill social justice values and love in our home. We will foster a strong racial and cultural identity in your child in which they value themselves and are proud of who they are. We will make sure your child knows every day how wonderful and cherished they are by us and their community. We will celebrate the differences between us as much as what makes us the same. We are committed to creating a home and community for your child where they can see themselves, feel safe, and be proud of who they are.
The adoption of our daughter Jade was a beautiful and positive experience. We have built a loving and special relationship with her birth parents and look forward to potential connection with you.
We will provide unconditional love to your child through all of the ups and downs of parenting. We want an open adoption in which your child knows who and where they came from. We look forward to the role you will play, however you choose that to be. You will be a significant person in our lives and we look forward to building a special, loving relationship together. We welcome your continued contact and investment in your child's life through email, pictures, and letters with stories of your child. We are also open to arranging visits when the time is right throughout your child's life. We are eager to know you and work together to maintain a healthy relationship. We make the commitment to always speak highly of you and make sure your child knows who you are and knows they came to us from love.
Thank you for considering us as potential parents for your child and hope we can also learn more about you. We love being parents and find so much joy in raising children. We will provide a loving, safe, and joy-filled home.
With love,
Ryan & April
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