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Anthony & Vinesh

Thank you for considering adoption! We are a kind-hearted and responsible couple that wants to provide a child with unconditional love. We love being parents to our son, and we are looking forward to growing our family through adoption again. We are lucky to have large supportive families, stable and flexible jobs, and a comfortable home in a diverse and welcoming community. We promise to provide a loving and nurturing environment, instill values of honesty and empathy, prioritize education, and always be supportive and understanding.

About Us

Deputy Director
Legal Advisor
Master's Degree in Economics
Law Degree
Legally Married
District Of Columbia

Adoption in Our Lives

With Silas's Birth Mom

We both come from big, loving families and always wanted to have a family of our own. We chose to build a family through adoption after taking a six-week course to understand what adoption really means from professionals, social workers, birth parents, and adoptive parents. We determined that adoption aligned well with our hopes and values.

Having our first son through adoption has been a wonderful blessing. We have an open adoption with Silas's birth mother. We enjoy regular video calls and visits with her as we know it makes her happy to see Silas, and we want Silas to keep and grow the special bond he has with her. In the same vein, for our next adoption we plan to be open and transparent about our family's adoption story - and maintain a healthy relationship with the birth family, if they also wish to do this - so that all of our children feel a sense of comfort and pride in their family and story.

As we look to expand our family through adoption again both of our mothers have enthusiastically promised to help us from baby's first days (as they have with all their grandkids), and countless aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews from near and far will want to visit their new family member and be a part of their lives.

Our Leisure Time

Anthony Playing Music for Babies

As a family we love traveling, exercising, and creating community through food and music.

We love traveling (we've each been to over 50 countries), especially when it means we can visit our friends and family around the world, and we are eager to explore the world with our growing family!

On Holiday in Iceland

We stay healthy by exercising, including by going on family walks and runs. In the height of the Covid-19 pandemic we led outdoor workout sessions with our neighbors - which was a fun way to stay fit and connected.

We also love hosting large gatherings of friends and family for big meals and wholesome game nights and sing-alongs. Vinesh cooks up a storm, and Anthony (with Silas's enthusiastic help) plays the piano and encourages everyone gathered to sing. We love building and nurturing our community, and we are proud that our home has become the "go to" spot for our family and friends.

Cultural Diversity

As an interracial couple, we have a lot of sensitivity about and appreciation for cultural differences. Vinesh is Indian-Singaporean and works for the United Nations and Anthony's work focuses on advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion. We have both traveled the world and lived in other countries (for example, Vinesh grew up in Singapore and Anthony was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Ghana), and between us we have learned seven languages, including Spanish and French. We have a deep respect for the diversity of humanity, and an awareness of the historical and ongoing injustices and challenges faced by diverse communities in the United States and around the world.

We will love and advocate for our children, regardless of their race and background, and we will teach them that who they are is something to be celebrated and embraced. We have actively cultivated a large and diverse community of friends with people of all backgrounds in our inner circle, and we are committed to ensuring our children have a diversity of positive role models, including people with similar racial/ethnic backgrounds as them. Additionally, since we live in a diverse and welcoming community, our children will grow up with a wide diversity of friends, and will learn to value people for who they are on the inside.


On a Hot Air Balloon
On a Hot Air Balloon
Matching Christmas Jammies
Matching Christmas Jammies
Vinesh Cooking
Vinesh Cooking
Exploring Mexico
Exploring Mexico
Hiking Near Our Home
Hiking Near Our Home
At Great Falls in Virginia
At Great Falls in Virginia
In Croatia
In Croatia
With Our Nephews & Nieces
With Our Nephews & Nieces
Seeing the Cherry Blossoms in Washington, D.C.
Seeing the Cherry Blossoms in Washington, D.C.
Making Cookies
Making Cookies
Puppet Play With Silas
Puppet Play With Silas
Having Fun in the Sun
Having Fun in the Sun
1 / 12
On a Hot Air Balloon
On a Hot Air Balloon
2 / 12
Matching Christmas Jammies
Matching Christmas Jammies
3 / 12
Vinesh Cooking
Vinesh Cooking
4 / 12
Exploring Mexico
Exploring Mexico
5 / 12
Hiking Near Our Home
Hiking Near Our Home
6 / 12
At Great Falls in Virginia
At Great Falls in Virginia
7 / 12
In Croatia
In Croatia
8 / 12
With Our Nephews & Nieces
With Our Nephews & Nieces
9 / 12
Seeing the Cherry Blossoms in Washington, D.C.
Seeing the Cherry Blossoms in Washington, D.C.
10 / 12
Making Cookies
Making Cookies
11 / 12
Puppet Play With Silas
Puppet Play With Silas
12 / 12
Having Fun in the Sun
Having Fun in the Sun

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in a cozy, diverse, and family-friendly neighborhood in the nation's capital. There is a great school and playground two blocks away, and within a 15 minute walk there is an amazing zoo and gorgeous parks and nature trails. Our city is brimming with culture and excitement, with world-class museums, historical landmarks, and weekly festivals celebrating different cultures and communities from around the world.

We own a large, four-bedroom home to accommodate our growing family, and we decorated it with keepsakes from our travels, photographs of our big family, and colorful drawings made by our son, nieces, and nephews. There's plenty of space for us to work from home and host family visitors.

We have lovely neighbors who trade baked goods with us, and a big group of friends (many of whom have young children) who live nearby and who come over regularly for meals and epic game nights. We love to host outdoor movie nights in our backyard, and we recently performed a children's musical in our front yard.

We believe it "takes a village" to raise a family, and we have been very intentional about making sure that our "village" is filled with caring and good-natured people from a diversity of backgrounds.

Our Extended Families

With Our Moms

We are lucky to have large and supportive families, with lots of nieces and nephews who are very excited to welcome a new cousin. Our nieces and nephews consider us the "fun uncles" because we always bring activities and games to play. One of the things they most look forward to is playing a competitive crafting game that we made up. Family gatherings always feature a sing-along, with Anthony playing the piano or guitar, and Vinesh distributing handheld instruments for everyone to play.

Playing With Our Nieces & Nephews

Both of our mothers create community through food. A true Italian, Anthony's mom enjoys teaching her grandchildren how to make pasta by hand. Vinesh's mom is a professional chef who ran restaurants, did cooking shows on TV, and has written cookbooks. They both love gathering their family and friends around the dining table, sharing stories, and creating memories - especially for holidays like Christmas and Diwali (a major Indian festival).

That love for creating community has been passed down to us and we enjoy hosting our friends and family or brunches and dinners at our home. It's a team effort with Vinesh leading on the cooking, Anthony leading on the set-up and clean-up, and our son Silas being the life of the party.

Our family and friends are excited and supportive of our plan to expand our family through adoption again. A child who joins our family will be showered with unconditional love and support.

From Us to You

Hello, and thank you for the opportunity to share a bit about us. We know this is an important decision for you and we want to thank you for considering adoption. We hope to get to know you better soon. But for now, here is a little bit about us:

  • We come from big, loving families with lots of siblings, cousins, nieces, and nephews.
  • We have an adorable son and maintain a beautiful, open adoption with his birth mother - we enjoy regular calls and visits with her.
  • We believe that having a sibling who is adopted will be a benefit for our children as we celebrate each of their unique adoption stories, and we know that having a big brother in Silas will give a child someone to play with, learn from, and look up to.
  • Our parents invested in our education and supported our dreams, and as parents we commit to doing the same for our growing family.
  • We have stable, flexible jobs that we love, and that allow us to work from home.
  • We have been fortunate to travel the world, live abroad, and learn other languages (like Spanish and French); these experiences have given us a deep respect for the beautiful diversity of humanity.
  • We have an active lifestyle that includes hiking and running on nearby nature trails.
  • We actively build community and have a large, supportive group of friends (many of whom have young children) of all different backgrounds.
  • We love to host our extended family and friends for dinners and brunches, competitive interactive game nights, and sing-alongs - and we love making balloon animals and crafts with our son, nieces, and nephews.
  • In terms of our approach to adoption and parenting, there is so much that we hope to share with you, but we'd like to start by making several promises:

  • We promise that we have thought long and hard about our decision to expand our family through adoption again. Adoption has been a true blessing for our family.
  • We promise to maintain a loving and nurturing home - one that celebrates milestones like birthdays and holidays, and enjoys the simple pleasures of summer barbecues, team sports, movie nights, and spending time with our big extended family and diverse community of friends.
  • We promise to instill values of honesty, empathy, and kindness; prioritize education; and invest in dreams - just as our parents did for us.
  • We promise to be supportive, understanding, and loving in the face of challenges.
  • We promise to share photos and updates with you and hope to share visits, if this is something you would like from us. We are committed to maintaining a healthy relationship with you and our gratitude for your selflessness will always be evident in our home.
  • Most importantly, we promise to provide unconditional love. We consider ourselves to be very blessed and ready - individually and as a couple, emotionally and financially - to expand our family. We have so much love to give.
  • Thank you again for considering adoption, and for considering us.

    With love and respect,

    Anthony & Vinesh


    Anthony Ramos
    Tom Holland, Brad Pitt, Benedict Cumberbatch
    Betty White
    Reese Witherspoon, Kerry Washington
    Octopus, Llama, Unicorn
    David Sedaris
    Malcolm Gladwell, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
    The Princess Bride
    Candy Bar
    Looney Tunes
    Calvin & Hobbes
    Childhood Memory
    Performing in musical theater
    Road trips with my mom, dad, and brother; Watching my mom cooking from the kitchen counter
    Childhood Toy
    A stuffed brown dog with floppy ears I called Ralph
    Children's Book
    Love You Forever
    Green Eggs and Ham - by Dr. Seuss
    Singapore (my first home)
    Classic Movie
    The Wizard of Oz
    The Wizard of Oz
    Day of Week
    Carrot Cake
    Disney Movie
    The Little Mermaid
    Dream Car
    AMC Pacer
    Dream Job
    Kindergarten teacher
    Working for the United Nations
    Dream Vacation
    Iceland, Japan, Hawaii
    Family Activity
    Competitive crafting
    Road trips, board games, sitting around the dining room having a chat
    Flower / Plant
    Sunflower, Monstera
    Form of Exercise
    Playing guitar and piano, writing children's songs
    Cooking, traveling
    Holiday Song
    O Holy Night (Mariah Carey version)
    All I Want for Christmas - by Mariah Carey
    Holiday Tradition
    Sing-alongs with all my nieces and nephews
    Big family meals
    Ice Cream
    Black cherry
    Belgian chocolate
    Junk Food
    Chips & guacamole
    Chocolate chip cookies
    Leisure Activity
    Playing piano
    Going to the cinema to catch a movie
    The Atlantic
    Memory with a Child
    Watching my baby son "play" the piano
    Seeing my baby son, Silas, smile for the very first time
    Memory with Spouse
    Building a snowman together (his first one!)
    Road-tripping around Iceland and eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches out of the trunk
    Best in Show
    Movie Munchie
    Sweet and salty popcorn
    Movie Quote
    "Mer-man... MER-MAN!" - Zoolander
    "Just think of all those women on the Titanic who said, 'No thank you' to desert that night. And for what?!"
    Movie Type
    Historical dramas
    In the Heights
    The Color Purple, Les Miserables
    Musical Group
    Destiny's Child
    Destiny's Child, Imagine Dragons, Fugees
    Nursery Rhyme
    This Little Piggy
    Three little pigs
    Olympic Event
    Personal Hero
    My grandfather
    Michelle Obama
    Angels in America
    The Inheritance
    Maya Angelou
    Khalil Gibran
    Quality about my Spouse
    He is kind-hearted, generous, and loving
    He constantly thinks about how to make other people happy
    "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." - Harry Truman
    "We were together. I forget the rest." - Walt Whitman
    Spanish, Mexican, Korean
    Chicken parmesan
    Chicken Salad
    Shopping Store
    Trader Joe's
    Fallin' by Alicia Keys
    Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley
    Sport to Play
    Sport to Watch
    Sports Star
    Simone Biles
    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Sports Team
    Chicago Bulls
    Manchester United (Soccer)
    Subject in School
    Cat Woman
    Thing to Cook
    Baked ziti
    Time of Day
    Early morning
    Running elaborate game nights
    Every year on our wedding anniversary, Anthony and I do a retreat where we talk about our long terms plans as a couple
    TV Show
    Saturday Night Live
    Modern Family
    TV Show Character
    Steve Urkel
    Fran Drescher as The Nanny
    Type of Music
    R&B, Hip Hop, Pop
    Vacation Spot
    Video Game
    Fruit Ninja
    Super Mario

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    *Once you have filled out this form, an American Adoptions specialist will help you get in touch with this family. You can also call 1-800-ADOPTION (236-7846) to speak with an adoption specialist immediately.